Training for Life – Running, Riding and the JDRF Ride to Cure

“Everything flows, nothing stands still” – from the Greek philosopher Heraclitus.

No truer words can be spoken or experienced by those with T1D.  I have lived this over the past few weeks.  As life changes, so do sleep patterns, food consumption, exercise levels and basal rates.  Yes, basal rates.

Basal Rate = The base rate of insulin taken by a T1D who uses an insulin pump to manage their diabetes.  The less active I am , the more insulin I need, and conversely, the more active I am, the less insulin I need.  Insulin becomes more efficient as my body does.

I have also learned that those with T1D for a long time, and those who took pork or bovine insulin may be at an increased risk for insulin desensitivity.

So, why do I run?  Why do I ride?  Why do I participate in the JDRF Ride to Cure program?  Lord knows, I am a retired hammer and discus thrower, there is no reason I should be participating in endurance athletics.  My college teammates still laugh when the hear I am running marathons and wearing spandex in cycling events.  Can;t say I blame them.


I run/ride to stay healthy, to reduce my already increased cardio vascular risk factors.  I run/ride to make my body more efficient, because I took pork insulin for years, and I have seen some decreased sensitivity to insulin when I am not consistently exercising.  I run/ride, because it helps me stay focused on healthy outcomes, and hopefully, it will keep me healthier, for longer and later into my T1D life.

I participate in the JDRF RIde to Cure program because of all of the above, in addition to many others.  It feels good.  It feels good to give back, and fight for something you believe in.  It feels good to accomplish physical challenges that my early doctors said I would not.  It feels good to participate and share a weekend with others who fight this fight with me.  It feels good to see the T1D supporters, i.e. moms, dads, and siblings, fight and gain some control over their T1D infused life.

As I rode in Tucson in 2011, and then in Vermont this past summer, I experienced this and witnessed many others experience the JDRF Ride program as a life changing event.  Ride for you, your spouse, your son or daughter, grandchild, friend….Ride because you would truly be changing someone’s life and making a positive impact.

If you want to get a good feel for what its about, go to JDRF Ride to Cure on Facebook and like the page.  The Death Valley event is this weekend and it will be busy.


Learning About T1D

Learning to live with T1D is difficult. The person who helped me and my family out was Jean, a mom, wife, RN, CDE and T1D herself. She set the tone for my family when I was diagnosed. Take control, be aggressive. Live the life you want to live.

Learn more from Jean here:

Because T1D Doesn’t Have Boobs

Before you get too excited, read the post and then decide what you think.

First of all, this post was my wife’s idea.  She’s the brains of the operation, so I follow suit.  She and I were watching TV the other night when a Susan G. Komen commercial came on.

I have to hand it to Breast Cancer supporters.  The Susan G. Komen Foundation has done a great job in raising awareness and money for breast cancer.  My wife said something to the effect of, “JDRF should have this kind of exposure”.  She’s right, it should.  And as a JDRF supporter, that kind of exposure is what I want for T1D.

Why are they so successful, and why am I so jealous?  My title states the obvious, but let’s review the numbers.

The 2011 census states that there were 311,591,917 people in the United States.  50.8% women.  Who’s going to say no to their mother, their wife or their daughter?  I sure don’t.

But for the T1D community, you have to pay attention to this next statistic.  2.6 million women were living with breast cancer in 2008.  Approximately 3 million Americans were living with T1D in 2011.  Similar numbers of prevalence, however, nothing is going to change in terms of the vast numbers of people involved in Breast Cancer Awareness and fundraising.  Pancreas VS. Boobs.  Yep, Boobs wins.  Every time.  Now, I say this in jest because we are not competing.  But the idea is that the pancreas does not draw the same amount of attention…..  Let’s face it, how many of us truly know exactly where the pancreas is?

So what does that mean for those of us dealing with T1D?  We just have to continue to work hard.  The AP study last weekend proves that JDRF is funding research that is improving lives of those with T1D.  Those families with T1D have to be more determined now than ever, to continue in the fight to cure T1D.  We are a small part of the population, with very low curb appeal to those outside of the T1D world.

So don’t get frustrated by that fact there is a lot of pink ribbons in the community.  We have to work harder.  Wear blue.  Talk to your friends and family.  Thank them for their donations and their volunteer hours.  Share with them the research information, showing them the progress that is happening because of their help.  And if you live with T1D, we need you.  Now, more than ever.


All stats were gathered from the following websites:

American Cancer Society Website:


Monday Night Run

I went for a 5 mile run tonight while my son was at soccer practice. I just kept thinking “how would the AP handle this?”

After waking up low this morning and pushing the start of my run back to make sure my blood glucose was stable, I am more determined to have the artificial pancreas.

How long is it really going to take to get it to market?

How much money is it going to take to get it to market?

What more can I do to help?