Training Log – Week #2

Week #2, by the numbers:

25.2 miles run on the road.  8 miles on the treadmill.  And no time on the trainer.

I didn’t have any two/day workout days.  2 rest days.

Average Blood Glucose: 107

Pattern of low blood glucose: Between 1:40am and 9am.

No significant pattern of high blood glucose.

Comments about training this week:

I was tired.  I mentioned it last week, but I was focused on trying to address the middle of the night low blood glucose levels.  I was successful for a few of the nights, but not all of them, and the unsuccessful days lead to tired and a lack of energy for the two/day workouts.

So, in order to make the workouts more efficient, I made Wednesday’s workout an interval workout and today’s long run included up tempos.  This helped me at least work on increasing VO2max without getting the significant work in.

Fuel Choices for Workouts:

So, let me give you a little background.  When our kids were born, Breigh, an anthropolgy major, decided that we were going to live like our ancestors….for the most part.  So, if we can’t hunt it, or gather it, we don’t eat it. (There are many exceptions, but we have significantly reduced the amount of manufactured food we consume.)





Kale Infused Recovery Smoothy

The above is a kale infused recovery smoothy that I used this past week.


Protein powder, carrots, orange, kale, coconut water, coconut milk, strawberries, pineapples, mango, banana and coconut……..and chia seeds.

I am not sure what all of the ingredients are doing for me, except for the following facts:

1. I consume this beverage (or something like it) within 30 minutes of finishing a workout or long run/ride.

2. My body recovers quicker as a result of getting this fuel into my body.

I am fortunate to have support of my wife, and her knowledge about food that I have relied on her for this knowledge base.  She’s also a great workout partner during those days when you don’t always wanna go….

Snow Run


Because she’s as competitive as ever, as soon as I think about whining, she’s there reminding me of why I’m doing this. (More about motivation next week!).

Here’s a Sample Day of Eating:

Last Sunday, December 8th – (I do pretty good, but I need Breigh’s help, as you’ll see below)

12 Mile Run in the morning fueled by 12 oz. of ginger ale and 1 piece of pizza about 20 minutes prior to the run.

Post run – 30 gram recovery smoothie made of Banana, coconut milk, vanilla protein powder, Trader Joe’s Peanut Butter, pumpkin butter.  I also had a cup of coffee.

Lunch – Trader Joe PB and Pumpkin Butter sandwich on multi-grain bread

Snack – Homemade bean soup (w kale, of course) and yogurt (See below)

Good Soup


Dinner – 1/2 cup of pasta, 3 meatballs, and extra sauce

Snack – Multiple apples, 3 bites of pumpkin pie, piece of extra dark Trader Joe’s chocolate.  (I was fighting going low, constantly lowering my basal rate at the same time)

Hopefully, this gives some insight into an average guy who’s trying to do some above average things.

Next week –   “Who in their RIGHT mind would choose to compete in 1/2 Ironman and Ironman?”

Training Log – Week #1

So, here’s what we have so far, by the numbers:

25.4 miles run on the road.  7.1 miles on the treadmill.  And 3 hours on the trainer.

4 days of two per day workouts.  1 day of 1 workout.  2 rest days.

Average Blood Glucose: 118

Pattern of low blood glucose: Between 3:50am and 10:45am.

No significant pattern of high blood glucose.



So, first things first.  I have GOT to make a change to my basal rates so that I don’t go low at 4am.  Waking up to the CGM has me tired and I drastically need to get better rest.  My only complaint about the workouts is that I am tired.  But I won’t be as tired if I am not getting up to treat lows.  Also, my body will be getting the rest it needs, and I’ll be better prepared for the next workout.

Second, I must adjust my basal rate for the evening between 6pm and 9pm.  5 of the 7 days, my trend has me dropping between those hours, and 2 of the nights I started workouts with my blood glucose dropping.  Well, it wasn’t dropping, really, its just that there was a slight down trend (not arrows) and as soon as my workout started, I was dropping like a rock.  This just about ruined these workouts.  If I’m going to take this time from my family and work out, I need to make sure that every one is efficient and I get out of it what I need for performance.  Otherwise, its just wasted time.

So what’s coming this week?

Multiple 2/day workouts.

Intervals, Sub LT’s and long runs/rides

Focus on Fueling (for performance & recovery) – My wife said she’s bringing back the Kale and Beet Juice Smoothie……what did I get myself into?  I thought steak was the recovery meal?

Stay tuned to see who wins….

The Thanksgiving Plan

As a boy, I always enjoyed Thanksgiving because I got to see my extended family…..Aunt, Uncles and Cousins.  Growing up in Western PA, we didn’t see them often, but Thanksgiving was one of those times when we went to visit my Grandparents and the family in Eastern PA.

I looked forward to these vacations every year, and the smell of roasted turkey in the oven takes me back, no matter where I am.


Ironic, yes, that I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease the day after Thanksgiving, and it is my favorite holiday.  That part hasn’t escaped me.

It all started the day after Thanksgiving, 1982, and every year, I try to celebrate the fact that I am alive, and living healthy.  This year was no different and I celebrated with a group ride with my wife and some of our friends. I celebrated with a family fun run at the Haddon Township Turkey Trot.  I celebrated with a stop at the local bike shop (more about my stop at Action Wheels later).  I celebrated with a little family skate at the local rink.  I celebrated with an impromptu 2nd Thanksgiving dinner with some of the family members I had dinner with on Thursday night.  It will long be known as the “Pie and Ice Cream Milk Shake” Mexgiving.  (Some of us had black bean burritos and the others had left overs).

There were significant conversations this weekend about blood glucose levels and specific insulin requirements (especially for said milk shake).   You see, everyone who lives with T1D, conducts biochemical experiments multiple times a day that will lead to success or failure of that day.  Every person is different in terms of biological make up, and then throw in their own personal preferences and lifestyle decisions surrounding food and activity?  Yeah, not exactly predictable.  So, how does someone living with T1D come across predictability in their life?

I use exercise.  Best prescription a doctor could give me.  I believe some form of exercise is good for everyone.  Move it or lose it.  Find something that makes you happy and go out and do it.


Here are my reasons for exercise:

  1. I like it
  2. I like the way it makes me feel
  3. I like doing things outside with my family
  4. It helps me deal with my potential “milkshake problem”
  5. It helps me increase my sensitivity to insulin
  6. It helps me deal with my multiple pre-dispositions to cardiovascular disease
  7. It helps me “feel” normal (non T1D)

I am thankful for the T1D wisdom that has been shared with me from the time of diagnosis to my recent conversations with my JDRF Ride to Cure buddies and my Hope on 2 Wheels Team.  The stories and management techniques they have shared have been incredible.  However, it is a knowledge base that is tough to document.

I believe that we need to find a cure.  So, Breigh and I organize a 5k run to raise money to fund research for a cure, and better treatment for those living with T1D. (You can follow us on Facebook here: )  We participate in the JDRF Ride to Cure with the South Jersey Ride Team as part of this effort.  You can find out more about the JDRF Ride to Cure program here:

I believe that those living with T1D need to be inspired.  So, my friend Scott Kasper and I, started Hope on 2 Wheels to inspire those living with T1D to challenge themselves with the goals they always wanted to achieve. (You can follow us on Facebook: , Twitter: , or on the WWW: )

I also believe that those living with T1D need to hear the stories and the information.  How is it done?

Except, that a middle aged man’s life isn’t normally all that exciting.  So, it’s time to turn the screws a little and make it more fun.

2014 – 70.3 Triathlon goal (1/2 Ironman distance)

2015 – 140.6 Triathlon goal (Full Ironman distance)

So, for the foreseeable future, I will be writing about my training, racing and living with T1D under a non-typical lifestyle…… training for triathlons.

Why would I make this investment in time and money?  Great question.  Let’s first review the hurdles I have to face:

  1. I am 37 years old.
  2. I have a full time job.
  3. I am married with 2 children.
  4. I have exercise induced asthma
  5. I live with Type 1 Diabetes

These are significant hurdles.  I will need to balance my time and responsibilities.  However, the information I will gain will be invaluable.  Information such as: how far can I push myself, what do I need to do to manage blood glucose levels through the extreme training conditions, what style of diabetes care works for the different events, what types of devices work best for the different events, etc. etc. etc.

The effort is worth the information.  You may have seen previous blog posts regarding my children’s likelihood of developing T1D.  I especially want this information so that I can be prepared for helping them manage T1D the best they can as they face whatever challenge they decide they should.  With T1D or not.

And awaaaay we go.

2010 Philadelphia Marathon

2010 Philadelphia Marathon